Pussy Riot member arrested in Moscow with little explanation for the second time in one month — Meduza
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Pussy Riot member arrested in Moscow with little explanation for the second time in one month

Source: Mediazona

Moscow police have arrested Pussy Riot member Veronika Nikulshina. According to Pyotr Verzilov, a journalist and fellow member of the group, police officers arrived at the home of the activist’s friends, where Nikulshina was also located at the time.

The officers explained that Nikulshina was needed for questioning because “a group of young people have damaged a piece of government property.” Both Nikulshina and her friends were taken into custody.

Nikulshina previously participated in Pussy Riot’s “The Police Enter the Game” performance, running onto the field during the final game of the 2018 World Cup. She was also arrested on April 16 on the way to a major theater awards ceremony where she was among the nominees.

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