A total of four suspected coronavirus patients escaped quarantine in St. Petersburg. Two have been returned to the hospital. — Meduza
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A total of four suspected coronavirus patients escaped quarantine in St. Petersburg. Two have been returned to the hospital.

Source: Fontanka.ru

A total of four suspected Covid-19 coronavirus patients recently escaped mandatory quarantine at St. Petersburg’s Botkin Hospital, according to medical documents filed in court against Alla Ilina (one of those who fled the facility). The local news outlet Fontanka has published a copy of the report by health officials.

Besides Ilina, a 23-year-old man named Igor, an 18-year-old woman named Olga, and a 32-year-old woman named Anna also slipped out of quarantine. Local officials from Russia’s Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare confirmed to Fontanka that these patients escaped the hospital, adding that two of these other three individuals have since been returned to quarantine.

On February 17, a district court in St. Petersburg will hear an administrative case brought by the city’s surgeon general, who demands the forced rehospitalization of Alla Ilina, who ran from Botkin Hospital on February 7. It remains unknown if health officials plan to bring lawsuits against the other runaway patients.

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