With 4,268 new cases in the past day, Russia's official coronavirus count hits 47,121 patients — Meduza
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With 4,268 new cases in the past day, Russia's official coronavirus count hits 47,121 patients

On the morning of April 20, Russian officials announced that the country recorded 4,268 new coronavirus infections in the past day, bringing the nation’s total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases to 47,121 patients. A day earlier, health officials reported 6,060 new cases.

The latest infections were reported in 76 different regions, including Moscow (+2,026), the Moscow region (+578), the Nizhny Novgorod region (+113), St. Petersburg (+86), Murmansk (+46), and Chechnya and Bashkiria (+45 each).

Another 44 people reportedly died from the disease, raising Russia’s total number of fatalities caused by COVID-19 to 405. As many as 3,446 people in Russia are known to have recovered fully from the disease, including 405 in the past day.

Russia says it’s conducted more than 2 million coronavirus tests, so far.

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