Protesters supporting ‘New Greatness’ case defendants arrested outside Moscow FSB headquarters — Meduza
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Protesters supporting ‘New Greatness’ case defendants arrested outside Moscow FSB headquarters

Source: Meduza

Moscow police have begun arresting protesters for carrying out single-person demonstrations outside of the Federal Security Service (FSB) headquarters on Lubyanka square. At least six people have been detained, including literary critic Anna Narinskaya.

Update: Meduza’s correspondent has reported that law-enforcement officers have detained at least 14 people.

The demonstrators were expressing their support for the suspects in the controversial “Novoe Velichie” (“New Greatness”) extremism case

Protests in support of the “New Greatness” case defendants

On July 14, the prosecution requested a variety of sentences for the defendants in the “New Greatness” case, ranging from four years probation to seven and a half years in prison on charges of organizing an illegal extremist group. A trial date has yet to be set for the sentencing.

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