Russian lawmaker says legalization of electronic military summonses will apply to all draft-eligible citizens, not just annual conscripts — Meduza
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Russian lawmaker says legalization of electronic military summonses will apply to all draft-eligible citizens, not just annual conscripts

Source: TASS

Russian State Duma Defense Committee chairman Andrey Kartapolov said Tuesday that upcoming legislative amendments making it illegal to ignore electronic military summonses will apply to all draft-eligible citizens and not only to annual conscripts.

Additionally, Kartapolov explained that the changes won’t affect current draftees, as they have already been called up and are currently undergoing military service. He emphasized that the country’s mobilization campaign has concluded and that the authorities currently have no plans to conduct another round.

On Monday, Kartapolov said that if the legislation is passed, it will limit draft evaders’ rights to drive a vehicle, buy and sell real estate, apply for credit, and leave the country.

How Russians escape the draft under current law

‘If a person doesn’t resist, they send him away’ Russia’s fall conscription campaign is wrapping up. Here are four stories about what it takes to avoid the draft.

How Russians escape the draft under current law

‘If a person doesn’t resist, they send him away’ Russia’s fall conscription campaign is wrapping up. Here are four stories about what it takes to avoid the draft.

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