Arrested Pussy Riot member Veronika Nikulshina accused of drug use post facto as six of her friends are also arrested — Meduza
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Arrested Pussy Riot member Veronika Nikulshina accused of drug use post facto as six of her friends are also arrested

An administrative protocol has been filed against Pussy Riot member Veronika Nikulshina that accuses the actress and activist of using narcotics or refusing to undergo a medical inspection, Mediazona reported. A court may consider the accusations as soon as May 10. Nikulshina was arrested on May 8 without a warrant or a protocol; at the time, the police reportedly attempted to explain their actions by saying that “a group of young people have damaged a piece of government property.”

Shortly before the protocol was filed, Nikulshina’s friend Alexandra Albova and her boyfriend were also arrested, journalist and fellow Pussy Riot member Pyotr Verzilov wrote on Twitter.

Breaking – Nika’s close friend Alexandra Albova and her boyfriend have been arrested in the entrance to [Sasha’s] apartment building. Sasha has never had any connection to protests or politics or even theater – she’s just a close friend of Nika’s. They’re being taken to the Kozhukhovsky police station together. The arrests of friends have begun!
Pyotr Verzilov

Verzilov noted that police officers have arrested seven people without explanation in the past two days: Nikulshina and six of her friends and acquaintances. Five of them spent the night in the Tverskaya police station, and two more are located in the Yuzhnoportovy police station, Mediazona reported.

Nikulshina previously participated in Pussy Riot’s “The Police Enter the Game” performance, running onto the field during the final game of the 2018 World Cup. She was also arrested on April 16 on the way to a major theater awards ceremony where she was among the nominees.

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